Sunday, January 31, 2010

Southwest Chipotle Burgers

Burgers Makes 4 - place on bbq-er
1 1/2 lb ground lean turkey
1-1/2 chipotle peppers canned in adobo sauce
1 1/2 T adobo sauce (from the chipotle chili can)
1/4 C grated onion
1 t garlic powder
1/2 t cumin
1 1/2 t kosher salt
1/4 t pepper

Sauce for buns:
1/2 C Mayo
2 t lime juice
1 1/2 t adobo sauce (from the canned chipotle chilis)
2T chopped fresh cilantro

Serve with:
100 calorie wheat buns
avocado slices
fresh lettuce
pepper jack cheese